Senin, 08 September 2014

Avocado lemon face mask recipe

Avocado lemon face mask recipe Honey as we know it has many benefits. Not only for health, honey is also useful for the beauty that is to brighten your face.

This is because honey contains some of the properties for the skin.

Not only is it useful honey to moisturize the skin. Even honey can be useful to prevent the skin from inflammation. Moreover, coupled with natural ingredients like lemon.

Lemon itself is very useful to brighten one's skin. Even lemon is also useful as a natural moisturizer. Thus, a blend of materials between honey and lemon is perfect to brighten the skin. In terms of production was quite easy. You only need to prepare the honey and lemon with a place.

When the material is ready for use, the next step is to insert half a tablespoon of honey and half a tablespoon of lemon into the venue. Place used can vary as a bowl. Then mix all of the ingredients until blended.

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